Online registration for the BPM Conference has closed on 18 August 2019. On-site registration is later still possible, however, will not include tickets for the social events.

The registration for the 17th International Conference on Business Process Management is now open at the bottom of this page. You have to create a user account and then select the type of registration that you prefer.

The following prices in Euro apply for the conference registration:

until 15 Jan 2019 until 14 July 2019 until 18 Aug 2019 on-site
Main Conference Only 450 500 550 650
Workshops Only 200 250 300 350
Main+Workshops 550 600 650 750
Day Ticket 300 350 400 500

Your registration includes tickets for the social events of the respective days. Extra Tickets for additional persons are available for the workshop dinner on MON, the townhall reception on TUE and the conference dinner on WED. Each of these tickets costs 75 Euro.

We also offer discounts of 100 Euro for graduate students (Bachelor or Master) and members of Gesellschaft für Prozessmanagement.